About​ Us

established in 1997​

The Central Church of Christ was started in 1997 in response to the growth of the Pearland, Texas community.  Pearland is one of the fastest growing communities in the country. We were blessed in 2002 to be able to purchase our own facility located on the main artery through Pearland. We currently have 40 families and are blessed with visitors on a regular basis.

If you have moved into the community and are looking for a friendly, loving group of people to worship with… we would love to have you come and be with us.


“The Central Church of Christ in Pearland exists to glorify Jesus by receiving, reaching, and retaining as many people as possible for Him and by being a people in whom Jesus is Central”

Sunday Worship Times

Bible Study Fellowship – 9:00 am

Worship – 10:00 am

Children’s Bible Class – 9am and 10am

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